IIMTT Teacher Training | Montessori Teacher Training Course

Montessori Teacher Training Program

Montessori Education is based on a holistic approach that begins at birth and builds over the years over four distinct planes of development. If implemented well, it has the advantage of positively impacting a wide range of children. It is an entire system that has been tested over the past 100 years and can be implemented in whole or in part.

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Montessori in our DNA



We inspire individuals to achieve their full potential and bloom into the fine educators they were mean to be.



As Montessorians we contribute to social growth and are proud of the impact we bring to people's lives across 3 continents.



Our trainee teachers have become more than just Montessori educators. For most,they have achieved their life's calling.



We support the learning of trainees and the school management of partners around the world leveraging the latest web basedand mobile technology.



Through Montessori education we build and encourage trust, in self and in the wider community.

“She is the main connecting link between the material … and the child.”

What is Montessori?

Over a 100 years ago a young Italian woman devised a new approach to education based on a foundation of encouragement and respect. The principles of her approach was that every child is born with an amazing human potential, which can develop only if adults provide children with the right stimulation during the first few years of life. It is this tremendously effective method of education that is referred to as Montessori

How is a Montessori Teacher different?

If you are a Montessori teacher, you are not a conventional teacher. The Montessori teaching approach puts to great focus on children's improved academic abilities and the independence to make their own decisions. Montessori teachers firmly aver that it is only the degree to which children believe they are capable, independent human beings that their success in school can be measured. The children are the focus, not the teacher, of the classroom. The teacher is seated with the students at a table or on the floor. The teacher (it would be impossible for an outsider to find you) blends into the classroom.

IIMTT Teacher Education

Whether you’ve just graduated from school or are seeking a truly inspirational career change, IIMTT offers a range of training opportunities, including internationally recognised UK qualifications, to start your journey in Montessori education.

Montessori school setup

Montessori School Set Up Services

If you’re looking to set up an international standard Montessori preschool anywhere in the world, we offer a complete 360 degree preschool set up solution. The entire academics curriculum, Montessori ... materials, mobile and web technology support for school administration and the consultancy required is available under one-roof with IIMTT. View more

Montessori curriculum

Montessori Home School Curriculum

IIMTT offers a detailed Montessori homeschool solution for parents who would like to explore this fantastic methodology for implementation at home as a homeschooling curriculum for 3-6 year old’s.

accreditation services

Accreditation Services

IIMTT offers accreditation services for Montessori schools across the globe who are looking to ensure that their school meets and can sustain the rigorous standard of excellence recognized by Montessori educators worldwide.

“Adults admire the environment: they can remember it and things about it; but the child absorbs it. The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul. He incarnates in himself the world about him.”

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What makes Montessori Teachers successful?

Be the connection between the children and the materials

The kids won’t know how to use them, if you don’t! Getting out of practice is easy especially if specific materials have not been used for long. Research and study, and constantly evolve as a Montessori teacher.

children materials
children materials
children materials

Trust the method

This is not a 100m race. We must give time to ourselves, and to the children. The kids need time to acquaint themselves to a Montessori classroom and materials that are different from everything else they see in the world around them. We need to allow them time to practice, which is important for mastering any skill.

Make children independent

It can be quite a pain really, being the only adult in the room. As a teacher what are you supposed to be doing in a traditional setting – supervise right? The teacher is at the front of the room, and the classroom center. The teacher knows everything. You ask the teacher, if you have a question. Montessori flips that logic over completely.

The power of observation

For any Montessori teacher, this is a great asset because observation of the child is central to what Maria Montessori did to develop her method in the first place. Observation will help the Montessori teacher figure out many things – how the child is managing shelves and workspace, focussing on activity presentation to improve child’s comprehension of an activity, social skills, documenting work after an activity, gauging child independence and a whole lot more.

IIMTT Montessori
Teacher Training Programs.

Montessori curriculum is focused on the idea that children have an intrinsic desire to learn and that they are driven through their developmental needs to achieve their full potential when assisted by an effective environment and educator. Our Montessori Programs cater to two of these settings in early childhood – infancy (birth-3 yrs) and early childhood (3-6yrs).

teacher training

“The instructions of a teacher consist merely of a hint, a touch – enough to give a start to the child.”

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Montessori believed that the care given to the child

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